Roadmap Imola - Mira Taglio Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin
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Roadmap from Imola to Mira Taglio

Imola is located in Emilia-Romagna and has a population of 52,981 inhabitants. Mira Taglio is located in Veneto and has a population of 52,981 inhabitants.

By car, the route between Imola and Mira Taglio corresponds to a distance of and the duration of the course is .

See also other road maps from Imola to Mira Taglio (bike route, on foot, by bus or train).

Distance by car :
Travel's duration :
Distance in straight line :
123.9 km
Cost Fuel (Gasoline) :
Cost Fuel (Diesel) :
Distance by bike :
Duration by bike :

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Address, Place, City, ...

Address, Place, City, ...


Others Roadmaps from Imola

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Distance between Imola and Bubano Roadmap from Imola to Bubano
Distance between Imola and Castel Guelfo di Bologna Roadmap from Imola to Castel Guelfo di Bologna
Distance between Imola and Mordano Roadmap from Imola to Mordano
Distance between Imola and Riolo Terme Roadmap from Imola to Riolo Terme
Distance between Imola and Bagnara di Romagna Roadmap from Imola to Bagnara di Romagna
Distance between Imola and Casalfiumanese Roadmap from Imola to Casalfiumanese
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Distance between Imola and Castel San Pietro Terme Roadmap from Imola to Castel San Pietro Terme
Distance between Imola and Sesto Imolese Roadmap from Imola to Sesto Imolese
Distance between Imola and Borgo Tossignano Roadmap from Imola to Borgo Tossignano
Distance between Imola and Massa Lombarda Roadmap from Imola to Massa Lombarda
Distance between Imola and Barbiano Roadmap from Imola to Barbiano
Distance between Imola and Medicina-Buda Roadmap from Imola to Medicina-Buda
Distance between Imola and Sant'Agata sul Santerno Roadmap from Imola to Sant'Agata sul Santerno
Distance between Imola and Faenza Roadmap from Imola to Faenza
Distance between Imola and Brisighella Roadmap from Imola to Brisighella
Distance between Imola and Casola Valsenio Roadmap from Imola to Casola Valsenio

Other names : Forum Cornelii, Imola, Iommla, imora, Ímola, Имола, イーモラ

Places close to Imola

Distance from Imola to Cascate del Dardagna 76 km
Distance from Imola to Bacino del Brasimone 55 km
Distance from Imola to Bacino di Suviana 60 km
Distance from Imola to La piccola Venezia 33 km
Distance from Imola to Grotte di Labante 55 km
Distance from Imola to Monte della Spe 55 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Spaduro 15 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Grande 18 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Santa Croce 27 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Adone 29 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Santa Barbara 37 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Giovine 40 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Coroncina 50 km
Distance from Imola to Mont'Ovolo 52 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Vigese 52 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Belvedere 67 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Tresca 69 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Cavallo 69 km
Distance from Imola to Monte Pianaccetto 70 km

Airports near Imola

Forlì AirportForlì34 km
Bologna Guglielmo Marconi AirportBologna39 km
Ravenna AirportRavenna41 km
Cervia Air Force BaseCervia50 km
Peretola AirportFirenze73 km