Roadmap Colugna - Udine Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin
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Roadmap from Colugna to Udine

Colugna is located in Friuli Venezia Giulia and has a population of 2,346 inhabitants. Udine is located in Friuli Venezia Giulia and has a population of 2,346 inhabitants.

By car, the route between Colugna and Udine corresponds to a distance of and the duration of the course is .

See also other road maps from Colugna to Udine (bike route, on foot, by bus or train).

Distance by car :
Travel's duration :
Distance in straight line :
3.6 km
Cost Fuel (Gasoline) :
Cost Fuel (Diesel) :
Distance by bike :
Duration by bike :

By car, the distance is about , for a travel duration of . The cost Fuel is around for a diesel vehicle and around for a gasoline vehicle. By bike the distance is for a duration of .

Address, Place, City, ...

Address, Place, City, ...


Others Roadmaps from Colugna

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Distance between Colugna and Udine Roadmap from Colugna to Udine
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Distance between Colugna and Reana del Rojale Roadmap from Colugna to Reana del Rojale
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Distance between Colugna and Povoletto Roadmap from Colugna to Povoletto
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Distance between Colugna and Tricesimo Roadmap from Colugna to Tricesimo
Distance between Colugna and Fagagna Roadmap from Colugna to Fagagna
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Distance between Colugna and Remanzacco Roadmap from Colugna to Remanzacco
Distance between Colugna and Zugliano-Terenzano-Cargnacco Roadmap from Colugna to Zugliano-Terenzano-Cargnacco
Distance between Colugna and Colloredo di Monte Albano Roadmap from Colugna to Colloredo di Monte Albano

Places close to Colugna

Distance from Colugna to Cascate Kot (Cascata del Kot) 26 km
Distance from Colugna to Fontanone Barman 32 km
Distance from Colugna to Fontanone Di Goriuda 38 km
Distance from Colugna to Lago di Cornino 21 km
Distance from Colugna to Ghebo . (sorgenti) 23 km
Distance from Colugna to Risorgive (ex forte) 25 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Varmo (sorgenti) 27 km
Distance from Colugna to Roggia di Bugnins 29 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Ghebo 23 km
Distance from Colugna to Torrente Corno 23 km
Distance from Colugna to Il Stale 25 km
Distance from Colugna to Strangulin 25 km
Distance from Colugna to Roggia Miliana 25 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Taglio 26 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Torsa 27 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Varmo 29 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Tagliamento 29 km
Distance from Colugna to Cragno 30 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Stella Grande 30 km
Distance from Colugna to Foce del Varmo 31 km
Distance from Colugna to Barman 32 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Áusa 36 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Corno 36 km
Distance from Colugna to Fiume Varmo (parte alta) 27 km
Distance from Colugna to Monte dei Bovi 19 km
Distance from Colugna to Monte San Blagio 19 km
Distance from Colugna to Monte Amula 30 km
Distance from Colugna to Monte Amula 30 km
Distance from Colugna to Monte Festons 59 km
Distance from Colugna to Monte Oberkofel 60 km

Airports near Colugna

Rivolto Air BaseCodroipo17 km
Trieste–Friuli Venezia Giulia AirportTrieste36 km
Aviano Air BaseAviano47 km
Treviso-Sant'Angelo AirportTreviso92 km
Venice Marco Polo AirportVenice93 km